Sustainability At Lifetime Tea 

Lifetime Tea is committed to selling high quality natural products while doing our part to preserve the environment. We are committed to a more sustainable planet, and we conduct our business in a way that allows us to maintain our standard of environmental dedication, with commitments to sustainable and organic farming and caring for the environment. Strongly committed to the organic industry we are proud to offer an increasingly large selection of certified organic botanicals, herbs and teas.

Sustainable Organic Farming

Certified organic products are grown and harvested without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, and offer a more sustainable option for feeding ourselves and our communities. Organic farms can even support higher levels of wildlife, and improve entire ecosystems and ground water. Sustainable organic farming practices can produce crops without depleting our earth’s resources or polluting the environment. It has many environmental, health, and social benefits, and continue to have a significant impact on the quality and availability of water and soil quality.

Certified Organic Processor

We are continually developing and maintaining long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers and growers who are committed to sustainable and organic farming practices. All of our certified organic products are grown and harvested in accordance with the USDA National Organic Program.

Certified Organic Product Sales

We are committed to increasing the amount of certified organic products we offer each year, and our new products are launched as organic whenever possible. The overall growth of our organic product sales has risen over 80% in the last 5 years.

Ethically Wildcrafted and Harvested Plants

We make every effort to source and select ingredients from natural renewable sources and are dedicated to the conservation of plants and the preservation of their natural habitat. We support sustainable wild collection practices to protect species from becoming endangered.

Fair Trade  

We continue to offer a large selection of Fair Trade Teas certified by Fair Trade USA, an independent nonprofit organization that monitors and certifies Fair Trade products in the U.S. Fair Trade raises income and living standards for tea farmers overseas, while helping to protect the environment by investing in their farms and communities. For consumers, Fair Trade offers a powerful way to reduce poverty through their everyday shopping.

The Fair Trade Certified™ logo you will see on our product labels guarantees you are receiving a superior quality product, farmers and workers received a fair price for their product, and eco-friendly practices were used in crop production. Click the logo to view our certificate.


Lifetime Tea is a registered tea packaging and processing facility with the Food and Drug Association.