Ginger Root

Ginger Root
Ginger Root Ginger Root Ginger Root

Ginger (Zingibar officinale) is a crowd-pleaser not only for its characteristic spicy flavor but also the many favors it does the body. It’s known to quell morning sickness and ease motion sickness to some extent. It’s also had as a digestive aid since it increases peristalsis and expels gas. True to its fame as an anti-inflammatory, ginger blocks certain genes from producing enzymes that play a major part in the inflammatory pathway and inhibits other enzymes that help produce free radicals.

Ginger may once have been native to Asia, but now it enjoys a place of pride in cuisines across the world. The part of the herb used is the rhizome – the vertical fleshy part of the root. Its versatile use attests to both its unique taste and its multiple health benefits. Ginger Root is a great spice to keep on hand in your kitchen, because it can be used in both sweet as well as savory dishes with excellent results.

Ginger tea has so many uses, and the decoction can also be applied in poultices to sprains and aching joints. Ginger can boost the action of other herbs in combinations, and adds welcome flavor. Ginger contains volatile oils, sesquiterpenes, and oleo-resins that account for much of its activity.

Appearance, aroma and taste profile: Woody with a pungent aroma. Sharp and spicy. Complements cinnamon, cumin, turmeric and other warm spices.

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale

Common Names: Zingiberis Rhizoma, Zingiberaceae, Shen Jiang

Form Factor Cut Sifted, Powder
Botanical Name Zingiber officinale
Common Names Zingiberis Rhizoma, Zingiberaceae, Shen Jiang
Appearance, Aroma and Taste Profile Woody with a pungent aroma. Sharp and spicy. Complements cinnamon, cumin, turmeric and other warm spices.
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